The Bark's Bed

Today, having a dog in the house is very necessary for they serve as a human alarm for every unnecessary event that may happen in the house. Like if there are or there is someone who's trying to get in the house, they could be a thief or worst a murderer, the first one who can notice or know that there is someone who gets inside of the house is none other than a dog. They will bark with anger showing their sharp teeth is one of their way of expressing that there is an unidentified something or opposing animals who had entered the house. It was proved as time goes by that dogs can keep a family safe and can save someone's life. And that is how dog keeps their faithfulness and loyalty to their humans, they are ready to sacrifice their lives just to keep their human unharmed from anyone or anything. How sweet the dogs are, right?

So, as part of the human role and since they seemed to be the bosses of their dogs, they have to be responsible for their dog's lives. Though it looks easy but grabbing a pet such as a dog corresponds a great responsibility for it acquires a life and a dog is a living creature that is worthy of the care and love. Aside from feeding, bathing, and regular check-ups, the time for rest, whether sleep or nap, requires a good bed to lay their body restfully. The dog beds are something that helps them halt with comfort from the long day of running and barking. It might be allowable by their human that they can lay down and nap on their human's bed, but it must be that every dog has its own bed to rest. Having a dog bed will make several benefits not only for the dogs but for their human as well. Dogs can use the bed for napping during the day and night. It is important that the dog is not sleeping right on the floor because it is cold to lay their body down there. Unlike having a dog beds, it helps them warm their body that will support their joints in good conditions especially those old dogs, and prevent calluses formed by laying on a hard surface of the floor. And dogs will definitely have their space because of the bed they owned, their puppies can lay down with comfort, sleep all day long without any disturbances unlike laying on the human's couch or bed.  

On the other hand, as human, there are things that sometimes have to prevent while having a dog in a house. Most of the kids and some of the grown-ups are intensely suffering from the allergies from the fur of a dog, so having its own pet bed and space will make minimize allergy attack for they have a designated place to be in and that will be prevented by those who have allergies on it. This dog's bed is also portable and can bring anywhere if people will bring their dog with them either on the vacation or just simply visiting someone. And meanwhile, on the way to the destination, they can be put on their bed which so the human's lap can relax during the travel and the dog also will feel rest and lessen the anxiety from what travel can affect them. From the whole week of using their bed, especially to those people who are over clean but really wanted to have a dog, it is a great thing that these dog beds being offered by the market are all washable. So, it will be easy for the owners to sanitize the bed and wash away the stinky smells of their dog's bed. Overall act of human, dogs are like a child that needs care, attention, and a family.


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