Best Material for Cat Bowls


Based on tests, stainless steel is found to be the best material for cat bowls. Used mostly in medical equipment and in cooking because of its antibacterial properties, stainless steel is safest for cats. Nothing beats its cleanliness and durability.

Unlike plastic and ceramic, bacteria from leftover food and saliva cannot enter the hard surface of stainless steel. In short, stainless steel cat bowls are more sanitary. Also, they are also durable and easier to clean.

Various quality grades

However, the quality of the stainless steel cat bowls greatly varies. You need to look into the countries where the cat bowls are manufactured. You also need to check the grade of the stainless steel and whether it is non-toxic and dishwasher safe.

Not all stainless steel cat bowls are created equal. Some bowls made from abroad have been found to contain lead and other radioactive metals. Today, there are hundreds of grades of stainless steel and the quality greatly varies.

Ceramic cat bowls

Compared to steel, ceramic bowls can develop chips and cracks. These can harbor bacteria similar to plastic cat bowl. Moreover, they shatter and break easily. The sharp shards can injure you or your cat. The glaze may also contain lead and other toxins that are not safe for food.

Ceramic cat bowls are safer than plastic, though. But, their fragileness, ability to harbor bacteria if not glazed properly, and potentially toxic paint are its downsides.

Plastic cat bowls

With the plastic materials, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria.  They cannot be fully cleaned.

Washing only cleans the surfaces of the bowl but it cannot remove the bacteria within tiny scratches. The main materials may also contain BPA, phthalates and other harmful toxins.

Cat notes

These animals are very particular on the types and location of their food and water bowls. For owners, use a shallow-sided dish.  High-sided bowls can cause discomfort as their whiskers have to fit in the dish.

Cats prefer separate bowls to double bowls. They don’t like their water next to their food as it may be contaminated with bits of food or odor. 

Best dishes

Stainless steel, ceramic, or melamine dishes are the best choice dishes for cats. Plastic bowls absorb smells and discourage cats from eating or drinking. In multiple cat households, each cat should have their own set of bowls.

Cats have a low thirst drive. (In nature, they would get most of the moisture they need for their body from the prey they consume). Because water as we know it is the most important nutrient of all, many cat owners worry that their cat doesn’t drink enough.

Owners are advised to keep the water away from the food bowls and litter trays. This avoids the water from being contaminated with food and odor.

You can buy a pet water fountain because cats love drinking from running water. On the side, fountains also purify the water, improving its taste and health benefits.

You can use filtered water or from your tap (cats love it especially if you have a cold water tank in your loft.)


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