The 4 Qualities of a Good Pet Store

Looking for a new pet dog? Or cat? Or hamster? Well, before you get a new pet from just about any pet shop out there, here are a couple of helpful hints on how to spot a good pet store, and separate it from the bad ones.

Good Pet Stores do Not Carry Dogs or Cats

If you're looking for a good, or shall I say ethical pet store, keep in mind that a good pet store will not carry or sell pet dogs. Why? Because the sad thing is a lot of the dogs and cats sold in some pet shops come from puppy mills, which have been found to abuse their animals!

Instead, a good pet store will suggest that you visit the local animal shelter, or connect with organizations like the Humane Society, so that you can adopt shelter or stray dogs instead. But, if you're in search of a specific cat or dog breed, a reliable pet store can refer you to a breeder in your town or city.

They Won't Sell Reptiles (Unless They Specialize in It)

Another notable quality of a good pet shop is that they will not sell any type of reptile, unless they specialize in it, and have the official credentials to show for it. Remember that reptiles and other types of amphibians require specialized care and maintenance, and often do not cope well with a stressful or high-activity environment, like a conventional pet store.

The Shop is Clean, Well-Lit, Well-Ventilated and Ensures the Health of Their Animals

Another characteristic of a truly good pet shop  is that it is neat and clean, well-ventilated and well-lit, and takes all measures to keep their animals healthy and safe. 

The shop's aisles and pathways should be wide enough for shoppers to easily navigate, and the cages or enclosures of the animals must also be clean and comfortable. And of course, you must see evidence of regular cage/enclosure cleaning.

And although it is kind of rare to see a pet shop with no sick animals, there should not at least be a deluge of sick or emaciated animals inside the shop! And, if you're looking for fish, it's rare to find a pet store that doesn't have a few dead fish on a regular basis. But, if the same dead fish has been floating on the tank for days or weeks already, then it's obviously a sign of poor or improper animal care!

A Good Pet Store Will Not Sell Large Birds

In general, a reliable or good pet store will most likely not sell or offer large birds, but that's unless they're a shop that specializes in large birds, and they have the permits to show for it. Remember that large birds require constant care and upkeep, if only to maintain their health and longevity.

These types of birds can also get unruly or destructive in their confines, especially if their cages or enclosures are small or too cramped. Thus, a reliable and truly animal-friendly  pet shop  will not sell large birds, as well as rare and endangered animals, because they truly care for the animals (and the environment too!).


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